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As three friends and lifelong Evertonians, we grew up at the match, but as we grew older began to realise that football doesn't begin or end after the final whistle...
We recognise that as supporters we have an active role to play in shaping the identity of our club and the future of football.
MINT is our approach at reconciling what it means to be a socially conscious and globally aware Evertonian in the 21st Century - someone with a deep passion for Everton as well as a commitment to social justice, equality and sustainability.
We aim to bring together like-minded Evertonians to expand the discourse and break the supporter stereotype - interrogating how football intersects with every aspect of our modern lives - how being an Evertonian has shaped our own lives, and how we shape Everton in return.
This is our Everton - Evertonia for Everyone.
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